Angular Development Company

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what is angular development

What is Angular Development?

Angular development means building applications using Angular frameworks. Created by Google, Angular is an open-source framework used to develop dynamic apps using TypeScript and HTML.

Angular offers excellent development experience for businesses. It helps build light and fast apps with responsive designs. Businesses also love it for its maintainability and reusability. Thus, they want to hire Angular developers for their Angular web and mobile app development projects. More than 322,000 live websites are using Angular. GitHub records that up to 2.3 million developers utilize this framework.

Find Your Trusted Swiss Angular Development Partner

STS Software GmbH is an experienced Angular development company. Located in Switzerland, we have helped local businesses and startups nail their projects with our top-notch Angular development services. Every certified Angular developer in our team is proficient in advanced technologies. We try to customize your apps until they meet your needs perfectly. We also have experience in different industries. Our ISO certifications can reflect our commitment to excellence, too.

Want to find a partner to thrive your business success in Switzerland and Germany? STS Software GmbH is ready to help! Keep scrolling down, and you can tell how much we are devoted to your project.

Find Your Trusted Swiss Angular Development Partner


At STS Software GmbH, you can choose from our extensive list of Angular development services. Here is what we offer:

angular mobile app development

Mobile App Development

STS Software GmbH is known for developing innovative mobile applications with Angular. We provide different solutions to build apps with Angular, including the following:

  • Angular Native App Development: We have experience in building Android and iOS apps with Angular frameworks. With our help, you can cater to different user needs.
  • Cross-platform Angular App Development: We also develop cross-platform apps to ensure seamless functionality across different operating systems and devices.
Angular Web App Development Services

Web App Development

Web apps are other well-known products made by STS Software GmbH. There are many types of web apps, such as single-page web applications (SPAs) and progressive web applications (PWAs). Whatever you need, we can build Angular websites with rich user interfaces. Every Angular web developer at STS Software GmbH is dedicated to your success.

Angular Desktop Application Development Services

Angular Desktop Application Development

STS Software GmbH is proud to stand at the forefront of Angular desktop application development. We build desktop apps with Angular and Electron technologies. Our expertise ensures your apps run seamlessly on different platforms, such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. They also come with optimal performance and excellent user experiences.

Angular Enterprise Application Development

Enterprise Application Development

STS Software GmbH is your premier partner for enterprise application development. We build enterprise applications with Angular that drive business success. When working on your project, we focus on high performance, maintainability, security, scalability, and integration. This way, you will be confident about your enterprise applications.

Angular Ecommerce Application Development

Ecommerce Application Development

We have years of experience in building Angular-based ecommerce applications and websites. Our Angular e-commerce development services aim to create exceptional online shopping experiences. So, if you are planning a functional and attractive ecommerce platform, choose us as your partner. Then, we can help you thrive in the digital marketplace.

angular consulting services

Angular Consulting

You may just need a consultation to develop your Angular-based apps. In this case, we can still get you covered. Our expert consultants provide guidance and expertise in architecture design, security, design patterns, scalability, and performance optimization. Our high-quality Angular consulting services can then maximize the potential of your project.

Need Experts For Your Next Angular Development Projects?

Let STS Software GmbH turn your ideas into reality with Angular. With us, you can maximize the potential of this framework. So, reach out to us today!

Experts For Your Next Angular Development Projects

Outstanding Benefits Of Angular Development

Angular is a powerful framework for building dynamic applications. Join us as we discuss the benefits of Angular development.

Modular Architecture

Modular Architecture

Angular introduces a modular approach to application development. Angular developers can break their apps into smaller, reusable components for enhanced maintainability and scalability. Angular development also promotes code reusability, which helps you reduce development time and work with a more consistent design.

TypeScript Integration

TypeScript Integration

Angular application development offers a huge advantage through its integration with TypeScript. As a statically typed superset of JavaScript, it adds more features to your apps. For example, you can work with static typing and interfaces. Plus, the advanced tooling support from TypeScript can boost your productivity significantly. Ultimately, you can identify errors and improve your code quality.

Cross Platform Development

Cross-Platform Development

Angular cross platform app development is another outstanding benefit. You can use Angular to develop apps that function on various platforms, including desktops, mobile devices, and web browsers. Moreover, frameworks like NativeScript and Ionic allow you to develop cross-platform mobile apps efficiently. In the end, by choosing Angular, you can surely stay ahead in the competitive market.

Performance Optimization

Performance Optimization

Angular puts performance optimization as its top priority. More specifically, the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation accelerates the rendering speed on browsers. Other features, like code splitting, tree shaking, and lazy loading, can also help reduce load times. With the assistance of Angular development, you can improve user experiences.


STS Software GmbH is dedicated to the success of your Angular development. But there are many potential partners out there. Why should you choose us?

  • STS Software GmbH has certified Angular developers who work hard to optimize your projects.
  • We have more than ten years of experience delivering Angular development services, including mobile apps, expertise apps, web apps, and more.
  • Our cost-effective solutions ensure your success without breaking the bank.
  • We are honored to be a leading Angular development company. Headquartered in Switzerland, we provide Angular development services for customers in Switzerland and Germany.
  • We have ISO certifications for quality management (ISO9001) and information security (ISO27001).
  • Our Non-Disclosure Agreements aim to protect your confidential data.
  • We use effective project management methodologies like Agile and Scrum to ensure efficient project delivery.
  • We possess cutting-edge technologies such as computer vision, machine learning, IoT, big data, blockchain, AR, and VR to deliver innovative solutions.
Discuss Your Angular Project!

Our Engagement Models

STS Software GmbH offers flexible engagement models tailored to meet your unique needs. Each option comes with a different level of adaptability, control, and cost. Let's see which suits you most!

Dedicated Angular Development Team

This model promotes collaborative frameworks. When you hire dedicated AngularJS developers from STS Software GmbH, they will become part of your business. Yet, they work exclusively on your project. Hence, this model offers a high level of adaptability and consistency.

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Angular Team Augmentation

You can hire Angular experts from our team to enhance your company's performance. This model allows you to fulfill your project demands without long-term employment responsibilities. Ultimately, you can reduce your financial burden. If you need specialized skills for a short period, go for this option.

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Full Outsourcing Angular Development Project

Another solution to outsource Angular development from STS Software GmbH is the full outsourcing model. We excel in building Angular projects with streamlined processes, cost-effective solutions, and skilled angular developers. We ensure you can achieve your project goals effectively. Our expertise and resources can drive business.

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Our Technologies in Angular Development

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Our Case Studies



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Industries We Transform

STS Software GmbH caters to diverse industries. Our expertise and experience are what you need to find tailored software solutions for your Angular development projects.

Transportation and Logistics



Banking and Finance


Business Software Development


The cost of Angular development depends on several factors, such as the project’s complexity, requirements, developers’ experience, and the location of the development team. Many businesses opt for offshore Angular development because they can work with skilled developers from regions with lower labor costs. This solution also helps reduce expenses related to staff management and infrastructure.

STS Software GmbH deals with the security of your project in two ways:

  • Our ISO certifications ensure we follow industry standards for quality management and security practices. 
  • We specialize in Angular testing. Our testing processes include unit testing, End-to-End Testing (E2E), integration, and other types of testing, depending on your needs.

Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline