Our Challenges

Manage Properties

Manage Purchasers, Co-broker, Solicitor

Manage Deposit Schedule

Generate Agreement

View & manage Agreement’s signatures on Desktop and Tablet

Bar Code scanner

Driver License PDF 247 scanner


Manage Properties

Manage Purchasers, Co-broker, Solicitor

Manage Deposit Schedule

Generate Agreement

View & manage Agreement’s signatures on Desktop and Tablet

Bar Code scanner

Driver License PDF 247 scanner


Manage Properties

Manage Purchasers, Co-broker, Solicitor

Manage Deposit Schedule

Generate Agreement

View & manage Agreement’s signatures on Desktop and Tablet

Bar Code scanner

Driver License PDF 247 scanner

Property management, stakeholder management, document generation, barcode scanner, pdf scanner​

  • .NET MVC
  • Web API
  • 3 Layers Design Pattern
  • Entity Framework
  • Hangfire
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • SQL Server
  • Angular JS

Next Case Studies

Web Application Development
its - individual tax system

Customer from: Singapore.
Engagement model: fixed price.

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optical character recognition document

Every day, a vast quantity of textual information is written or printed on tangible paper, such as study-related messages, invoices, periodicals, books, ads, and so on. Paper contamination is a major issue in the corporate world and has obvious environmental consequences.

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Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline