React JS Development Company

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React development in Switzerland
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What is React Development?

React development refers to developing user interfaces (UI) using React (or React JS). This JavaScript library simplifies the whole development process while ensuring the product comes with powerful components.

React JS is popular due to its flexibility and simplicity. Big businesses like PayPal, Facebook, and Instagram use this library to address their UI-related problems. According to a survey by Statista, React was the most popular JavaScript tech stack in 2023. Up to 45% of respondents chose it for their projects.

Businesses from different industries can take advantage of React. They hire React developers to deliver high-quality and responsive user interfaces. The need for React has been growing as those businesses try to stay competitive and adapt to market demands.

Team Up With The Leading React Development Company In Switzerland

STS Software GmbH is an experienced React development company in Switzerland. Our React experts have worked in the field for more than 12 years, serving many startups and businesses in Switzerland and Germany. Our expertise allows us to deal well with web and mobile app development projects. We can meet your requirements whether you need React for web development or web apps.

Other benefits when parting with STS Software GmbH include cost-effective solutions and advanced technologies. We also provide a wide range of React development services. Let's scroll down to discover how we can drive your business to success!

Partner with a Leading React  Development Company in Switzerland


You may want to build websites or mobile apps. Whatever you need, our comprehensive React development services can cover.

Custom React Web Development Services

Custom React Web Development

STS Software GmbH can create web apps and websites tailored to your specific requirements using React. Our skilled React developers guarantee efficient solutions for building a React website. To nail the React website development task, we utilize component-driven architecture (CDA) to develop user interfaces. In this manner, we break them into reusable components. This solution aims to streamline the process and enhance scalability.

Mobile App Development With React Native

Mobile App Development

As a leading React Native development company, STS Software GmbH excels in building apps with React Native. We use a single codebase for Android and iOS to speed up the process. Each React Native developer in our team is dedicated to delivering a responsive and smooth user experience across different platforms. Plus, due to code reusability, we ensure cost-saving solutions for your business.

SaaS Application Development and Migration Services

SaaS Application Development and Migration

STS Software GmbH uses React's component-based architecture to develop a robust SaaS application. We are also proud of our expertise in API integration and SaaS application migration. For small applications, we use GraphQWL and Context API. If you plan for big ones, we will choose Redux to manage their complicated features. With our help, you can integrate APIs seamlessly into your React applications.

React UI/UX Design Services

React UI/UX Design

Our React UI/UX design services are of high-quality thanks to our strong design skills. We gather talented UX/UI designers who create dynamic interfaces that respond smoothly to user interactions. Our secret recipe for a highly interactive application is advanced libraries like React Spring, Ant Design, Material-UI, and Framer Motion. We also use agile methodologies such as user testing and iterative design when running the project.

React App Support & Maintenance Services

React App Support & Maintenance

As a committed React development agency, we offer comprehensive React app support and maintenance services to maximize your experience. Our deep understanding of the React ecosystem, including React architecture, React library, and practices, ensures reliable support. Plus, we focus on the stability of your apps by covering services like bug fixing, feature enhancements, performance optimization, and security updates.

Looking For High-Quality React Development Services?

STS Software GmbH can get you covered! With our extensive expertise and experience, your React projects can flourish. So, contact us now and get started!

Advantages of React Development

React development is getting more and more popular because of the numerous benefits it offers. This section will show you how this JavaScript library assists your business.

Component-Based Architecture

Component-Based Architecture

One of the most outstanding advantages of using React is its component-based architecture. It can break UIs into reusable components, promoting code organization and maintainability. Moreover, the React reusable components help speed up the development process. Developers can then build and manage React apps more efficiently.

Improved Performance

Improved Performance

React utilizes a virtual DOM to update the actual DOM. Throughout the React development cycle, this approach leads to faster and smoother rendering of your web apps. Hence, you can experience highly effective ReactJS web app development. Your apps will surely be high-performing and stand out in the dynamic digital landscape.

Declarative Programming

Declarative Programming

Declarative programming is a programming method in which developers use React to describe what the UI looks like instead of explaining how to achieve the results. This method makes the code more understandable and readable. You can also update, debug, and test your apps easier.

Rich User Interfaces

Rich User Interfaces

React is one of the best solutions for building UIs because it supports dynamic and complex UI features. It can integrate well with frameworks and libraries, such as Redux, Ant Design, and Material-UI. These integrations enable developers to create user-friendly and sophisticated interfaces easily.

SEO Friendliness

SEO Friendliness

React is among the most sought-after frameworks regarding SEO, but you need proper configuration when working with your React applications. ReactJS developers can take advantage of React's fast rendering time and efficient performance to improve SEO outcomes. Then, your apps can rank well in search engine results.

Large Community & Ecosystem

Large Community & Ecosystem

React development is also known for its large and active community. This rich ecosystem makes it easier for developers to find extensive learning resources, tools, and libraries to bring out the best of their projects. The strong community support even extends to React Native software. Hence, you can build both web and mobile apps efficiently.


Many startups and businesses in Switzerland have chosen STS Software GmbH for their React development project. Why should you follow the trend?

  • We have certified React developers catering to your specific React development needs.
  • You can choose from our flexible engagement models, including hiring React specialists, building a dedicated team, or outsourcing the entire React software development project.
  • We have more than 12 years of experience in delivering React development solutions, such as web apps, mobile apps, and SaaS apps.
  • As a leading React development company in Switzerland, we offer exceptional and cost-effective React development services.
  • Project management methodologies like Scrum and Agile help us run your project flexibly and accelerate the React development cycle.
  • We are ISO-certified for information security (ISO27001) and quality management (ISO9001).
  • We focus on security with Non-Disclosure Agreements, QA testing, and a secure source code repository.
  • Our React experts are proficient in advanced technologies such as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, AR, VR, Big Data, Blockchain, and IoT.
Discuss Your React JS Project!
STS Software GmbH leading react development company in Switzerland

Our Engagement Models in React Development

Working with us, you can select the most suitable engagement model depending on your needs. Here are your options:

Dedicated React Development Team

You may just want to find React developers to work on your project for a short term. In this scenario, STS Software GmbH offers a dedicated React development team to ensure high-level control. You can manage your team and guide the project without hiring permanent developers. Thus, this model helps avoid human management costs.

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Staff Augmentation with React Expert

An experienced React specialist from an outsouce ReactJS development company like STS Software GmbH helps businesses with their project. In this model, the skilled professional integrates with the in-house react team to enhance their capabilities. Their expertise will tackle complex projects efficiently.

Discuss your project

Full Outsourcing React Development Project

Outsource your entire React development project to STS Software GmbH and benefit from our expertise and resources. By choosing this model, we will handle your entire project, ensuring cost-efficiency and streamlined processes. As a leading React JS application development company, STS Software GmbH brings you the best.

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React Ecosystem We Use

Libraries and Frameworks

react framework
react native

UI Development

Styled Components
fluent UI

State Management

react query

Code Handling and Optimization



React Testing Library

Routing and Form Managment

react router
react hook form

Auxiliary Tools and Libraries

react window

Trusted By

Our Clients


Review from

Our Clients

Explore Our React Development Projects

Bitwin International Project


Smithbot is a web application that acts as a bridge between clients' servers running advanced automated cryptocurrency trading bots, cryptocurrency exchanges, and end users who want to subscribe to these bots. STS Software GmbH developed this web application using React JS, Node.js, and other AWS technologies.

idealpos project


Idealpos is a mobile application designed to bridge the gap between internal teams and external customers by enabling seamless communication and real-time updates. To ensure users receive prompt and accurate information, the app prioritizes real-time data updates. STS Software GmbH developed Idealpos using .NET Core, React Native, and other cutting-edge technologies.

Merit Logistics ODC Project


STS Software GmbH assists Merit Logistic in maintaining, developing, and modernizing an outdated and cumbersome ERP system. We leverage .NET Core, React JS, AWS, and other advanced technologies to achieve this.


Our Specialized React JS Development Services Across Diverse Industries

We are a leading React development company in Switzerland, specializing in crafting custom solutions for businesses in a wide range of industries.

Transportation and Logistics



Banking and Finance


Business Software Development


The most significant difference between React and React Native is their area of use. While React development focuses on building user interfaces for web apps, React Native aims to build mobile apps (Android and iOS) with JavaScript and React syntax.

React software development services are widely chosen due to the flexibility of the React framework. Here are some apps built with React Native and React:

  • React-based CRM system
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Productivity apps
  • Calculator applications
  • E-Commerce Websites
  • Video call apps
  • Social media apps
  • Quiz apps

In JavaScript development, React works as a UI library for developing user interfaces. Meanwhile, Angular is a comprehensive front-end framework for web development, and Vue is a progressive framework.

The biggest challenges when creating an app using React are:

  • Complex documentation: STS Software GmbH helps you overcome this tricky issue by investing in onboarding new staff and ongoing training. We aim to keep you updated on the latest practices and features.
  • JSX learning curve: The learning curve is tough, but our ReactJS developers have worked resiliently and gained a lot of hands-on experience.
  • Frequent updates: As a trusted React development company, STS Software GmbH has proper version management strategies and upgrade planning for your project.

To choose the best ReactJS development company, you should follow these steps:

  • Understand your needs. Projects like iOS app development, Android app development, and web app development require different solutions.
  • Check the expertise and experience of the company. If you want to create a React JS ecommerce website, you will need a partner who has worked in the ecommerce industry and knows how to attract customers to drive sales.
  • Assess the communication channels and processes to collaborate seamlessly with your partner. Then, you can enjoy their React JS development services.

Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline