Challenges We Encounter

Proper preparation, exhaustive testing, and efficient cooperation with additional vendors were essential for ensuring flawless data flow and functioning across diverse platforms.

The task of creating a mobile application that exhibits smooth performance across various devices and operating systems such as iOS and Android can pose a significant challenge.


We implemented a feature that triggers notifications for enticing offers upon detecting beacon signals;

Our team retrieved deals from various stores such as bars, restaurants, and shopping outlets;

Implemented a feature that allows users to receive only the desired deals.


This project was developed by the Saigon Technology team using the following technologies:

  • Pull To Refresh
  • Multi-resolution
  • Swiped View Stack
  • Bluetooth beaconsFlux Dispatcher 
  • Core-Data
  • Zoomed Menu 
  • Filters

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Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline