Node.JS Development Company

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Node.js development in Switzerland
what is node.js development

What is Node.js Development?

Node.js development is about creating apps using Node.js. As a robust cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment, Node.js can support almost all types of projects.

Statista claimed that Node.js was the most popular framework among developers in 2023. Over 42% of respondents used it for their work. Major businesses like Walmart, Netflix, and LinkedIn have adopted this framework to power their systems.

Node.js is famous for its high performance, robust data processing, and quick loading time. Thus, companies of all sizes in Switzerland and Germany hire Node.js developers to bring out the best of their Node.js development projects.

Team Up with a Renowned Node.JS Development Company in Switzerland

STS Software GmbH is a top Node.js development company in Switzerland. Our expert Node.js developers use advanced technologies to deliver top-notch Node.js development services.

STS Software GmbH has more than 12 years of experience in the industry. We build web apps with Node.js, catering to various needs. Working with us, you can benefit from cost-effective solutions and rapid time-to-market. We work hard to ensure efficient software development.

Want to know about what STS Software GmbH can do to bring you success? If yes, keep scrolling down to explore!

Team up with a renowned Node.js development company in Switzerland

Our Custom Node.js Development Services

STS Software GmbH is ready to serve your specific needs. We offer various Node.js software development services, including mobile apps, web apps, APIs, and more.

Web Development with Node.js

Node.js Web Development

Our Node.js web development services ensure you have everything you need for your web apps. So, don't mind asking us to offer advanced products like collaborative social media feeds, editing tools, and chat applications. Our developers build web apps with Node.js that meet your unique requirements. By choosing our solutions, you will gain access to innovation and please your target audience.

Mobile App Development With Node.js

Node.js Mobile Application Development

STS Software GmbH is an experienced Node.js app development company. We can build Node.js apps with real-time features like push notifications and analytics. Moreover, Node.js is known for its asynchronous architecture and event-driven. Hence, we utilize this powerful technology to develop cross-platform mobile apps. So, partner with us to reach more mobile users and expand your influence.

Backend Development with Node.js

Node.js for Backend Development

STS Software GmbH specializes in backend development with Node.js. We aim to create efficient and feature-rich apps tailored to your business needs. Scalability is also our focus. Every backend Node.js developer in our team puts a lot of effort into building scalable solutions that can handle significant traffic and manage streams of queries and requests. We guarantee that our services will offer you robust backend systems.

Node.js API Development Services

Node.js API Development

Our API development services focus on building scalable and efficient RESTful APIs to power your mobile apps, web services, and other types of apps. We also aim to build Node.js API with real-time features. This way, they can support constant data exchange between servers and apps. Our expertise ensures you can build API gateway using Node.js successfully. And if you plan on developing microservices with Node.js, we can help, too. They are independent, small services that collaborate to form a more extensive API.

Choose STS Software GmbH For Exceptional Node.js Development Services

Ready to upgrade your projects? It's time to hire Node.js developers from our team to bring your ideas to life. Contact us now to kickstart your journey!

Types of Node.js Applications We Develop

Interactive Chats

Interactive Chats

Real-time Dashboards

Real-time Dashboards

eCommerce Websites

eCommerce Websites

Streaming Applications

Streaming Applications

Serverless Modules

Serverless Modules

IoT Applications

IoT Applications

Analytics Web Apps

Analytics Web Apps


REST API Applications

Data-oriented Backend Modules

Data-oriented Backend Modules

Complex Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Complex Single Page Applications (SPAs)

MVP Development with Full-Stack JavaScript

MVP Development with Full-Stack JavaScript

Benefits of Node.js Development

Node.js development has received recognition from businesses in Switzerland because of the numerous benefits it offers.

Full-stack JavaScript

Full-stack JavaScript

One of the best things about Node.js is that you can use it for full-stack JavaScript. Both backend development with Node.js and frontend development with Node.js are popular. This approach reduces the need for context-switching between different programming languages. As a result, the whole development process will be simplified. Moreover, the development costs will be lower since you can enhance developer productivity with streamlined workflows.

High Performance and Scalability

High Performance and Scalability

Node.js has an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O model. It can also handle various concurrent requests efficiently. Ultimately, your apps can run fast. Moreover, as your business grows, you can quickly scale your apps. Node.js's high degree of efficiency of Node.js allows you to build robust applications and ensure a smooth user experience.

Large and Active Community

Large and Active Community

Node.js has a vast and dynamic developer community. They constantly contribute to the open-source tools, frameworks, and libraries. Thus, Node.js developers can take advantage of the wealth of resources in this extensive ecosystem. They receive support whenever needed. The collaborative environment also fosters innovation among the contributors.

Real-time Applications

Real-time Applications

If you want to build real-time applications, you won't go wrong with Node.js. This framework enables two-way communication between clients and servers. Thus, Node.js API development is common among developers who try to create real-time systems like chat applications, social networking platforms, and collaboration tools. The popularity of Node.js in such projects comes from its ability to maintain seamless interactions.

Why Is STS Software GmbH The Right Choice For Your Node.js Development Needs?

STS Software GmbH has been a reliable destination for businesses in Switzerland for a long time. Why so?

  • STS Software GmbH is a leading Node.js development company in Switzerland with more than 12 years of experience in web application development.
  • We have the best Node.js developers in Switzerland to cater to your specific needs.
  • Our Node.js development services are budget-friendly without compromising on quality.
  • We offer flexible hiring models. You can hire dedicated Node.js developers, choose IT staff augmentation with our Node.js expert, or outsource Node.js development.
  • Our Agile and Scrum methodologies ensure effective project delivery.
  • Our ISO certifications (ISO9001 for quality management and ISO27001 for information security) reflect our commitment to high standards.
  • We prioritize your data security with Non-Disclosure Agreements.
  • We use cutting-edge technologies, like blockchain, AI, ML, and cloud-based solutions, to enhance your projects.
Discuss Your React JS Project!
STS Software GmbH leading react development company in Switzerland

Our Hiring Models in NodeJS Development

You can hire Node.js developers from STS Software GmbH in different ways. There are three models to choose from:

Dedicated Node.JS Teams

In this model, our developers work as an integrated part of your business. They focus exclusively on your project. Having our staff by your side, you can deal well with complex apps while ensuring a unified workflow. This model also leads to quick adaptability, cost effectiveness, and deeper understanding.

Discuss your project

Staff Augmentation with Node.js Experts

An experienced Node.js expert can help improve the performance of your in-house Node.js team. Thus, STS Software GmbH offers the staff augmentation model to address skill shortages in your company and give you access to specialized knowledge. With this model, you don't have to struggle with staff hires.

Discuss your project

Full Node.js Project Outsourcing

Want to develop a web application, a backend system, or an API? You can outsource your entire Node.js development project to STS Software GmbH. We are a reliable Node.js development company in Switzerland and can take care of your project from start to end. We deliver innovative solutions and top-notch services to drive success.

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Technologies that Fuel Our Node.js Development Services

The expertise behind our Node.js development services allows us to develop innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Here are our weapon:

Libraries and Frameworks

Passport.js handling user authentication
mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) Real-time Communication
sequelize: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
winston: comprehensive logging for debugging and monitoring




Styled Components

Data Management

aws dynamodb


graphql: API Query Language
aws api gateway: Serverless API Gateway

Trusted By

Our Clients


Feedback From

Our Clients

Our Node.JS Development Projects

Lucette Project


Smithbot is a web application that bridges clients' servers running advanced automated cryptocurrency trading bots, cryptocurrency exchanges, and end users subscribing to these bots. STS Software GmbH developed Smithbot using React JS, Node.js, and various AWS technologies.

Lucette project


Lucette is a web application that provides daily tips about beauty products and skincare for women. STS Software GmbH built this web app using Node.js, Amazon Web Services, MongoDB, and other advanced technologies.

Triptomatic Project


We helped Booqit build a cross-platform system with features such as a chat platform for transporters, passengers, and administrators, and APIs that allow integration with other systems. STS Software GmbH developed this system using Node.js, React Native, MongoDB, and other technologies.


Our Custom Node.js Development Services in Various Industries

STS Software GmbH has served businesses from various industries. We have unique experience and expertise that meet the needs of your niche. Let's see what we provide.

Transportation and Logistics



Banking and Finance


Business Software Development


It depends on the project’s complexity and hiring models. For example, small apps cost $10,000 to $25,000, while you need $25,000 to $75,000 to develop medium apps. If you want to reduce the cost of building Node.js enterprise applications, choose a friendly Node.js development agency. Contact STS Software GmbH today to get the best pricing.

You need to follow the steps below to choose the best Node.js development company:

  • Define your project requirements
  • Evaluate the qualifications and expertise of the company
  • Discuss cost and payment structure. You can hire offshore Node.js developers to reduce the cost.

As the leading Node.js development company in Switzerland, STS Software GmbH offers the necessary expertise and experience to ensure the success of your projects. We also provide cost-effective Node.js development services to help balance quality and budget.

If you build a dedicated Node.js development team, you will manage the project. Yet, for outsourcing Node.js development, our project manager will take care of this whole process.

Node.js for backend development is a popular solution. Here are some advantages a backend Node.js developer can get from building APIs using Node.js:

  • High performance and scalability
  • Rich ecosystems of libraries and frameworks
  • Real-time features

Node.js development allows the use of various frameworks, such as Express.js, Socket.IO, Hapi.js, NestJS, Koa.js, Meteor.js, Fastify, Sails.js, Adonis.js, and Total.js. Developers have many options for their Node.js software development projects.

Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline