Java Development Company

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what is java development

What is Java Development?

Java development refers to building software using Java and associated tools. Its extensive ecosystem and reliability make Java a top choice for developers worldwide.

According to Statista, the most demanded programming languages in 2023 were Java and JavaScript. More than 40% of businesses seek talent with these programming skills.

Partner with a Leading Swiss Java Development Company

STS Software GmbH stands out as a leading Java software development company in Switzerland. We are proud of our extensive experience, expert Java developers, and cutting-edge technologies. Our java development team excels in techniques such as Spring, J2EE, Hibernate, and many more to deliver tailor-made solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients. We also work in different industries, including healthcare, finance, ecommerce, and manufacturing. Whatever your niche is, we can bring unparalleled services to the table.

We also shine as a reliable java development company for businesses in Switzerland and Germany. You can access top-tier Java development services that drive business growth by choosing us on your digital journey. Want to learn more about us? Keep scrolling to see what we offer!

Partner with a Leading Swiss Java Development Company


STS Software GmbH provides a wide range of java development services catering to your needs. Here are your options:

Custom Java  Application Developmen Services

Custom Java Application Development

Our custom Java development services focus on creating tailored software apps based on your requirements. We undertake in-depth analysis to ensure that your Java applications meet your current needs. Our Java developers also use Java's object-oriented programming principles to develop scalable and maintainable apps that can adapt to your future growth.

Java Mobile App Development Services

Java Mobile App Development

We excel in using Java frameworks like JavaFX, React Native, and Flutter to develop cross-platform mobile apps. By partnering with us, you can build user-friendly and feature-rich apps tailored to your needs. So, trust us when using Java for mobile app development, and you can bring out its fullest potential!

Java Web Development Services

Java Web Development

Our Java web development services take full advantage of Java technology such as Java Servlets, JavaServer Faces (JSF), and JavaServer Pages (JSP). We also use Java frameworks like Hibernate and Spring to offer top-notch web solutions. These technologies allow us to come up with robust web solutions, e-commerce web applications, and enterprise web applications for your Java web page development project.

Java API Development Services

Java API Development

STS Software GmbH specializes in API development using Java. The best thing is that we focus on creating custom solutions that perfectly meet your requirements. Plus, we have experience in API development using Spring Boot. We ensure efficient APIs that integrate seamlessly with your system.

Java Cloud Development Services

Java Cloud Development

We are ready to empower your journey to the cloud with our exceptional Java cloud development services. Every Java cloud developer in our team excels in building Java cloud native and serverless apps. They have expertise in various cloud platforms, including Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS. Thus, you can surely elevate your digital presence to new heights!

j2ee development services

J2EE Development

STS Software GmbH is a go-to partner for superior Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) development. We design, develop, and manage J2EE apps to propel your business forward. Our excellent enterprise solutions are what you need to handle your large systems and huge amounts of data.

Java Application Modernization Services

Java Application Modernization

We are proud of our excellent Java application modernization services. Aside from developing the apps, we also audit code, update documentation, modernize architecture, boost performance, and add mobile/web access. Plus, since UX/UI is receiving more attention, we are in charge of improving UX/UI designs to enhance your app's design, too.

Maintenance And Support Services

Maintenance And Support

We provide comprehensive Java application maintenance and support services to ensure your systems' performance, stability, and security. Every dedicated expert in our team works diligently on bug fixing to keep your Java apps running smoothly. At STS Software GmbH, you always have a committed partner on your side!

java application integration and migration Services

Java Integration & Migration

We provide comprehensive Java application maintenance and support services to ensure your systems' performance, stability, and security. Every dedicated expert in our team works diligently on bug fixing to keep your Java apps running smoothly. At STS Software GmbH, you always have a committed partner on your side!

Java Consulting Services

Java Consulting

STS Software GmbH offers Java consulting services on developing architecture, performance optimization, security, scalability, and design patterns. With us, you can gain access to advanced technologies and first-rate solutions to meet your specific needs. Our in-depth knowledge can help thrive in your Java development projects.

Seeking Innovative Java Software Development Solutions?

STS Software GmbH offers extensive expertise and experience to bring out the best of your project. Contact us now and shape the future of your software together!

Benefits Of Java Development

Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Its reliability, security, and community support make it a favorite choice for STS Software GmbH.



Java is renowned for its "write once, run anywhere" principle. This means that Java-based applications can seamlessly operate on various platforms equipped with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), including Linux, macOS, and Windows. To further augment this adaptability, we harness the capabilities of different frameworks. Our preferred selections encompass:

  • For web development: JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Spring
  • For desktop applications: Swing and JavaFX
  • For Android applications: Android Studio

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Java is an object-oriented programming language. By leveraging OOP principles, we can create well-structured applications, making code easier to understand and maintain. Plus, those principles simplify the development process by breaking complicated systems into manageable objects. This modular approach allows for efficient development and code reuse. You don't need to worry about adapting to evolving project requirements.

Robust and Secure

Robust and Secure

Java development ensures secure and robust apps because it has excellent features like bytecode verification, sandboxing, automatic memory management, exception handling, and a strong type system. These features make your Java-based apps resilient. You can also protect them against various threats and vulnerabilities. Thus, if security is your top concern, go for this solution without hesitation!

Enterprise-Grade Solutions

Enterprise-Grade Solutions

Java development offers enterprise-grade solutions with multithreading. This approach enables concurrent task execution for optimal performance. Additionally, it offers distributed computing and integration with enterprise systems. Hence, enterprises can benefit from Java by developing reliable solutions for their complex requirements. This way, they can easily tackle the challenges of modern business environments.

Compatibility and Legacy Support

Compatibility and Legacy Support

Java API is famous for its backward compatibility. Apps created with older Java versions can still function on the new ones. This feature is valuable for legacy systems as it helps integrate with new technologies without affecting their stability. Ultimately, with Java, you can ensure a seamless transition between different tech eras.



Java delivers top-notch performance thanks to its Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. This structure improves your Java app's reliability by turning their bytecodes into machine code as they run. Whenever a method gets compiled, the system uses the compiled code instead of interpreting it. Hence, you can easily speed up the development process.


STS Software GmbH can turn your vision into reality. But how can we do that?

  • Our experienced Java developers have excellent skills that manage your Java software development project efficiently.
  • We offer cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.
  • You can access cutting-edge frameworks, tools, and libraries to gain superior results.
  • We have branch offices in Switzerland to cater to local business needs.
  • Our best Java developers embrace methodologies like Scrum and Agile for efficient project delivery.
  • Our ISO certifications ensure quality management (ISO9001) and information security (ISO27001) standards.
  • We provide Non-Disclosure Agreements to safeguard your confidential information.
  • As an experienced custom Java development company, we excel in advanced technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning, IoT, AR/VR, Blockchain, and Image Analytics to foster your project's growth.
Discuss Your Java Project!


You may have different requirements for your Java development project. Understanding your needs, we provide three engagement models to outsource Java development, each with distinct advantages.

Dedicated Java Development Team

You can hire dedicated Java developers from STS Software GmbH to avoid costs related to recruiting, training, and managing your in-house staff. This model also gives you access to our experienced Java developers, who have diverse skills to ensure high-quality services for your project.

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IT Staff Augmentation

This model offers a solution to strengthen your in-house team. In this manner, you integrate our java experts into your project to utilize their specialized skills in java development. Then, you can scale resources according to your project needs. With our talented java developers on board, you can surely achieve your goals.

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Full Outsourcing Java Development Project

Looking for an end-to-end java development services for your unique needs? Then, consider a full outsourcing Java development project. Our java dedicated team is in charge of all aspects of the project. Working with us, you can ensure timely delivery and quality assurance. Our streamlined project management and experience in outsourcing will guarantee successful outcomes.

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Our Tools and Technologies in Java Development





Real-time Data Processing






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Our Successful Java Development Projects



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Merit Logistics has been leading in the development of supply chain solutions based on planning strategies to increase productivity for partner companies.



GTW has selected OnixS as the FIX interface component. OnixS provided Java, C++ and C# libraries to connect to FIX. OnixS has a mature support system and community also.


Industries We Transform

STS Software GmbH works in different industries. We offer innovative solutions and excellent services catering to specific needs of each sector.

Transportation and Logistics



Banking and Finance


Business Software Development


The Java development cost depends on multiple factors, such as the complexity of the project, the specific requirements of the project, the experience level of the developers, and the geographic location of the development team. You can optimize your investment cost by choosing offshore Java development. Offshore Java developers have the necessary experience and expertise for your project without breaking the bank.

Project complexity, team size, expertise, and technology stack affect the time it takes to develop a Java app. If you want to cut down the development time, STS Software GmbH can help by offering Java MVP development.

You should consider these factors when choosing between these solutions: 

  • Scalability: Custom enterprise software development services offer a higher level of scalability. 
  • Integration: Custom software is easier to integrate with your existing system.
  • Budget: Custom software requires more upfront investment. Yet, you can save money in the long run. 
  • Features: Off-the-shelf software has standard features, while the custom solution offers exclusive features tailored to your needs. 

Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline