Ruby on rails development company

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what is ruby on rails development

What is Ruby on Rails Development?

Ruby on Rails development refers to the use of Ruby on Rails framework to develop web applications. This full-stack framework provides all the tools you need to build your web apps on the front and back end.

Rails frameworks are popular in various industries, including ecommerce, social networking, CMS, and many more. The MVC architecture is another benefit of using the frameworks. Thus, it comes with a high degree of scalability and flexibility. Easy maintenance is another plus.

More businesses have started to appreciate the benefit of Ruby on Rails development. As of May 2024, more than 3,827 live websites in Switzerland are using this framework. They keep hiring Ruby on Rails developers to upgrade their development projects.

Partner With The Best Ruby On Rails Development Company In Switzerland

STS Software GmbH is a leading Ruby on Rails development company in Switzerland. We have the top Ruby on Rails experts to cater to your needs. We also use advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and cloud-based to ensure your business can access innovative solutions.

STS Software GmbH is proud of our expertise in web apps, API, and ecommerce solutions. We have served many startups and businesses in Switzerland and Germany. Their experiences and high-quality web apps can reflect our commitment to high-quality Ruby on Rails development services.

Furthermore, STS Software GmbH delivers cost-effective solutions. Plus, even when you come from another country, our ror experts are willing to work in your time zone to ensure efficient communication.

As you read on, you will discover the services, engagement models, and other benefits you can get from working with us. So, let's jump right in!

Partner with a Leading Swiss Java Development Company


As a leading ROR development company, we provide various Ruby on Rails development services. Working with us, you can experience a full-cycle Ruby on Rails development process and high-quality RoR development services.

ruby on rails web application development

RoR Web Application Development

As a leading Ruby on Rails web application development company in Switzerland, we ensure the high performance of your project. Our developers offer tailored solutions, including PWAs and Ruby on Rails ecommerce websites. You will have apps that align with your specific requirements and business goals. They are also scalable and flexible, and they can grow with your business.

Ruby on Rails API Development Services

Ruby on Rails API development

You need APIs to integrate your new apps with the existing software systems. They help speed up development time because you don't have to write each functionality from scratch. With us, you can even perform this task more efficiently. Our Ruby on Rails experts are good at building secure and robust APIs for your apps using tools like Grape and RoR. Our Ruby on Rails API services can ultimately streamline processes and enhance functionality.

Ruby on Rails Ecommerce Development Services

RoR Ecommerce Development

Working in the ecommerce industry? Our experienced team can be your trusted partner for this exciting journey. We can bring you an excellent Ruby on Rails ecommerce website to drive sales and enhance user experience. Our expertise in building online stores and digital commerce platforms ensures your success. So, choose us to promote your online business.

Ruby on Rails CMS Development Services

RoR CMS Development

We also offer first-rate Ruby on Rails content management system (CMS) services. Ruby on Rails is an excellent choice for CMS development because it has a ready-made solution for a successful CMS. STS Software GmbH helps you build custom CMS solutions using RoR to manage your content with ease. We always try to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity with your CMS projects. Partner with us, and you can take control of your content.

Ruby On Rails Enterprise Application Development Services

RoR Enterprise Application Development

You may have different needs for your business apps, and STS Software GmbH is ready to satisfy every of your requirements. Our Ruby on Rails enterprise application development services focus on scalability, robustness, and productivity. Hence, you can ensure reliable and efficient apps for your company. They are what you need to thrive in the competitive market.

Ruby on Rails migration development services

Ruby on Rails Migration

STS Software GmbH also helps businesses migrate their existing databases, systems, and apps to the Ruby on Rails framework. We migrate from another web framework to RoR and upgrade it to a newer Rails version. Even if you want to modernize your old legacy system, we can give you a helping hand. Each Ruby on Rails specialist in our team tries to avoid disruption to ensure a smooth migration.

Other Ror Development Services we offer

  • Agile Development With Rails
  • Ruby on Rails Backend Development
  • Ruby on Rails Refactoring
  • Maintenance and Deployment

Want To Access Top-Notch Ruby On Rails Development Services?

Don't go for less! You can choose a leading company for your project. Our expert RoR developers at STS Software GmbH can ensure your success. Contact us now for help!

Access Top-Notch Ruby On Rails Development Services


Ready to partner with STS Software GmbH? Let us show you what you get from this partnership.

  • STS Software GmbH stands out as a leading Ruby on Rails development company in Switzerland
  • We have built many high-quality Rails projects for startups and businesses in Switzerland and Germany.
  • Our solutions are cost-effective, ensuring value for your investment.
  • With than 12 years of experience in web app development, we offer knowledge and expertise to every project.
  • As an experienced RoR development company, we can work in various industries, including finance, healthcare, ecommerce, and many more.
  • Our talented Ruby on Rails developers and project managers follow the simplicity of RoR in Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and Convention Over Configuration (COC) patterns.
  • We choose methodologies like DevOps and Agile development with Ruby on Rails for a streamlined process and efficient project delivery.
  • Our ISO certifications, including ISO 27001 and ISO 9001, validate our commitment to security and quality.
Discuss Your Ruby On Rails Project!
ruby on rails development company sts software gmbh

Engagement Models With The Best Ruby on Rails Development Company

You may have different needs for your Ruby on Rails projects. Whatever you prefer, we can satisfy it by offering various engagement models. Each option below comes with distinctive advantages.

Dedicated Ruby On Rails Development Team

Hiring Ruby on Rails developers to work exclusively on your project is another great option. In this case, our experts will become part of your company. They ensure a unified workflow and high-quality outcomes. Hence, this model is ideal when you run long-term projects that require extensive expertise.

Hire Ruby on Rails Development Team

Ruby on Rails Team Augmentation

This hiring model helps you address skill shortages. More specifically, we will include our Ruby on Rails experts in your in-house development team. Then, you can adapt to your project requirements without having to hire long-term ror developers. So, this model works best for businesses that demand specialized skills for a short time.

Discuss your project

Outsource Ruby on Rails Development

You can choose a Ruby on Rails development company and leave the entire project in their hands. STS Software GmbH offers this service, too. As an experienced Ruby on Rails outsourcing company, we provide exceptional services to ensure high-quality products. We can gather professionals, access resources, and use advanced technologies to bring out the best in your project. Project management is also part of our solution. So, we use effective management methodologies to handle this aspect. In the end, you will be pleased with what you receive from us.

Discuss your project

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Our Ruby On Rails Development Services In Various Industries

Businesses from different industries have specific demands for their Ruby on Rails projects. If you choose STS Software GmbH, you don't have to worry about your unique needs. We offer excellent RoR development services with modern Ruby on Rails tools for whatever industry you work in.

Transportation and Logistics



Banking and Finance


Business Software Development


Costs for RoR development services vary from $50,000 to more than $500,000. You need to consider the following factors:

  • Web app’s functionalities and features: Simple apps have basic functionalities. Thus, they cost less than complex products with advanced features. 
  • Engagement model: The chosen engagement model affects the cost, too. Each option comes with a different level of flexibility, control, and involvement. 
  • Integration: The cost will increase if you want to integrate your app with third-party services, such as APIs or payment. 
  • Technologies: The choice between standard and advanced technologies may reduce or increase the development cost. 

It depends on the outsourcing model and RoR development company you choose. For example:

  • Time and material and fixed price contract: If you choose these options, STS Software GmbH will provide an experienced project manager to handle the whole process. 
  • Dedicated team contract model: In this model, you are in charge of project management.

It may take from two to six months for a Ruby on Rails development team to complete the project. The exact time depends on various factors, such as the team size, project complexity, developers’ experience, and app’s requirements. At STS Software GmbH, we offer a Ruby on Rails MVP development option. This approach helps accelerate time-to-market. You can also gather user feedback to refine your web app.

As a reliable Ruby on Rails development company, we ensure your web app security with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). They help prevent confidential data from being accessed by others. Our ISO 27001 certifications also reflect our priority on security.

Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline