DevOps Services

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DevOps Consulting To Revolutionize Your IT Operations

DevOps is the combination of dev (for development) and ops (for operations). This methodology includes a set of tools and practices that emphasizes collaboration between software development team and IT operations team. Under the DevOps model, those teams merge into one, ensuring faster time-to-market and reliability.

DevOps consulting is important as it helps businesses streamline their software development processes. The collaboration leads to more efficient software releases. It also adapts automation tools to reduce manual errors and increase productivity.

devops consulting services

STS Software GmbH is the leading Devops Services Provider in Switzerland. Our DevOps consulting services can optimize your software delivery pipelines, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance quality assurance practices. With our top-notch solutions, you will stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape.

DevOps Consulting Services by STS Software GmbH

STS Software GmbH provides various DevOps services to help optimize your DevOps implementation strategy while saving costs. Here is what we exactly offer:

DevOps Outsourcing

By outsourcing to your DevOps team, you can be confident in your DevOps process. We work on the solutions below to deliver the best outcomes:

  • Cloud infrastructure management: Our services handle the setup and monitoring of cloud infrastructure to ensure scalability and stability.
  • Configuration management: We manage configuration settings across different systems.
  • Container management (Docker, Kubernetes, etc): Our DevOps team monitors containers to facilitate efficient deployment and management.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Implementation: We help your company design and implement automated CI/CD pipelines to enable rapid software delivery.
  • Infrastructure automation, CI/CD Automation, testing automation: Automation is critical when outsourcing to our team.
  • Monitoring and logging: We keep an eye on system performance to detect issues and ensure optimized operation.
  • Incident management, backup, and disaster recovery: Our DevOps outsourcing services include these backup solutions to minimize downtime.

End-to-end DevOps Implementation Consulting

Our DevOps services cover all stages of your app life cycle by using these strategies:

  • Automation: We prioritize automation in every process stage, including software development, testing, and deployment.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaaC): We use IaaC principles to manage your computing infrastructure.
  • App module containerization: This method helps deliver your software code so you can easily move its elements seamlessly between infrastructure types.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines: These practices improve software delivery via automation.
  • DevOps automation implementation consulting: We also provide tailored automation solutions to optimize processes and foster innovation.

DevOps Launch Consulting

Our DevOps consulting services focus on these aspects:

  • DevOps Planning: We can help you plan strategic moves.
  • DevOps Implementation Roadmap: You can sketch a detailed roadmap for your DevOps implementation plan.
  • DevOps Tools: There are tons of DevOps tools out there, so you need our help to settle on the most suitable for your business.
  • DevOps Solution Setup: We also assist you in DevOps solution setups to maximize operational efficiency.

DevOps Project Recovery Consulting

Our DevOps consultants can help you with the following:

  • Development and operations team: We focus on identifying and solving communication problems between the development and operations teams.
  • Automated testing: We can ensure the software's reliability and efficiency by performing automated testing techniques.

DevOps Tech Consulting

We are in charge of the technological aspects of the software development process. Our DevOps advisory services include:

  • DevOps Tools And Methodologies: We can find the best tools for your project.
  • DevOps Tech: You can also upgrade your team's skills on DevOps tech.


Ready to upgrade your operations with our top-notch DevOps services? Get in touch with us now and experience the difference!

Why Choose STS Software GmbH as Your DevOps Services Company?

STS Software GmbH is an ideal choice for those who need top-notch DevOps solutions. Partnering with us, you will gain tons of benefits, such as:


Automation can save money. At STS Software GmbH, you can automate tasks and free up your resources. You will then have more time for your core business activities, increasing revenue. Moreover, our DevOps developers ensure your infrastructure is up to date without costly errors. They deliver tailored solutions so you can get the most out of your investment.

Fast Time-To-Market

We prioritize fast time-to-market to help you gain a competitive edge. Our agile approach adapts to changing requirements in shorter time frames. Plus, we streamline processes to accelerate delivery by focusing on automation throughout the software development lifecycle. Our efforts can surely allow you to launch new products quickly.

Skilled DevOps Engineers

Our skilled DevOps engineers have years of experience. They possess a deep understanding of DevOps principles, practices, and technologies. Thus, they can implement DevOps methodologies tailored to your specific needs. They also show dedication when working on your project, ensuring it will have the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

Complex Delivery Experience

As an experienced DevOps development company, we have delivered complex projects across different industries. Our extensive knowledge of DevOps practices allows us to navigate challenges effectively. Whether your project is small or large-scale, we can help you handle it confidently to gain successful outcomes that drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

Best Security Integration

We focus on security integration throughout our DevOps environment. Hence, we implement robust security measures to protect your data and apps from potential threats. Our security practices include risk assessment, threat modeling, configuration management, and secrets management. By integrating security seamlessly into the development process, we can ensure your resources' highest level of protection.

Dedicated DevOps Team

At STS Software GmbH, we value the power of collaboration. That's why we provide a dedicated team of DevOps experts to work on your project. Our team works closely with you to deliver tailored solutions that align with your business objectives. Plus, with open communication, we establish a collaborative environment where you can share your ideas comfortably. We always remain by your side during the project lifecycle to offer guidance and support.

Cloud Expertise

Our DevOps team works in the cloud to access scalable resources and deploy updates quickly. As a reliable DevOps services provider, we have experience and knowledge to guide you at every step in the development process. With our expertise in cloud DevOps consulting services, we enable flexibility and cost efficiency in your DevOps environment. Ultimately, you can maximize the benefits of cloud computing for your business.

Advantages Of DevOps Services

DevOps services empower your business by streamlining your software development and delivery processes. Some key advantages you can gain from choosing these services include:

Faster Releases

Your DevOps services provider can facilitate faster releases through various practices and methodologies:

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): CI/CD pipelines enable automated testing and integration. This automation allows for rapid and frequent release while reducing the time it takes to deliver new features and updates to end-users.
  • Streamlined Processes: As your DevOps service provider, we aim to streamline workflows by automating manual tasks. Thus, we can minimize the need for manual intervention and accelerate the software development lifecycle.

Better Collaboration

We foster collaboration by promoting cross-functional teamwork and shared goals among development and operation teams:

  • Cross-functional Teams: DevOps encourages collaboration and communication throughout the software development life cycle. We gather professionals who have different skill sets to promote knowledge sharing across departments. This approach enables teams to work together seamlessly and contribute to the success of the project.
  • Shared Goals: Working together means the teams have shared goals. They indeed feel more responsible for the project and try to support each other in delivering value to your business.

Quality and Reliability

A trustworthy DevOps services company can improve the quality and reliability of software by working on these ideas:

  • Code Quality: We use automated testing practices to identify and fix errors in every stage of the development process. Moreover, we ensure the code meets quality standards for outstanding performance.
  • Reduced Bugs: Automated testing helps with reducing bugs, too. Our team finds and addresses issues quickly to minimize the risks of bugs in the production environment.
  • Consistent Environments: We also provide consistent environments across development, testing, and production to avoid deployment errors and enhance software reliability.


DevOps services play a vital role in enhancing software development safety and security.

  • Automated Deployment And Testing: Automation and continuous testing are among DevOps practices' top priorities. DevOps hence ensures to reduce the risks related to changes in production environments. It also helps avoid errors that may ruin system stability.
  • Security practices: DevOps services promote integrating security practices early in the development cycle. Our DevOps teams can pinpoint potential threats before they become more severe risks.

What Are The Challenges With DevOps Implementation? How Do We Deal With It?

DevOps services companies may struggle with several challenges, including cultural resistance, uncertainty about technology, and difficulty in adapting apps to the technology. Here is how STS Software GmbH deals with each challenge.

Resistance Of Employees To The DevOps Implementation

Employees may feel overwhelmed when adopting new tools and practices. This issue involves changing their mindsets and existing workflows, bringing about many difficulties for DevOps services providers.

To address this challenge, STS Software GmbH provides proper training for the staff to improve their teamwork skills and understanding of DevOps principles. Frequent meetings are also part of our DevOps outsourcing services to ensure everyone is keeping up with the progress properly.

Uncertainty About Technologies To Implement The DevOps Initiative

Your team may struggle with choosing the right DevOps tools that align with your business goals and infrastructure. Long-term support is another concern for the staff.

In this case, STS Software GmbH helps you choose the most suitable DevOps implementation technologies. We provide various options that fit your business the most and provide a comprehensive plan for the project. With proper guidance, you can mitigate uncertainty and ensure a smooth transition to DevOps.

Difficulty In Adapting Legacy Applications To Devops

Legacy apps are outdated apps. They have old technology stacks that lead to tons of potential errors. If you adapt them to DevOps, you must be careful during its modernization process.

But don't worry! STS Software GmbH offers exceptional application modernization services, including re-hosting, recoding, and reengineering, to your specific needs. Our team of experts can then help modernize your legacy applications and align them with DevOps principles.

Struggle with DevOps implementation challenges?

Don't freak out! Reach out to us now for expert guidance and navigate the path to DevOps success together!

End-to-end DevOps Implementation Process

DevOps service companies may have different approaches to implement DevOps. At STS Software GmbH, you will go through these key steps in the DevOps implementation process:



To start, we analyze the current software development cycle, IT resources, and IT infrastructure to understand the existing state. Then, we plan a strategy to implement DevOps, considering various factors such as project requirements, business goals, and team composition.


Create Roadmap

After that, we create a roadmap that covers these aspects:

  • Containerization and CI/CD pipeline: We design these systems to set up a smooth process for the project. This step also involves choosing the right tools for those tasks.
  • Test automation: Automation is vital here, too. So, we check the test automation approach and integration of the continuous testing system into the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Design integration: We integrate Infrastructure as Code tools (like Puppet, Chef, and Ansible) with CI/CI tools (like Bamboo and Jenkins) to manage your infrastructure efficiently. Then, we design an automated system to monitor the whole process.



We continue working with Infrastructure as Code to automate the setting and management of IT resources. Additionally, we assist in configuring and deploying CI/CD and test automation tools to ensure everything works smoothly in your DevOps environment.



As a dedicated DevOps service provider company, we offer ongoing guidance and support to help achieve your DevOps implementation goals. More specifically, we help fix problems and update your software setup when needed. Our assistance guarantees that your infrastructure can get better over time.

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Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline