Product Statement

For End User

ITS offers them a powerful tool to compute their Tax Amount. Not only answering specific questionnaires from ITS, but the End User could also ask for help when completing the survey. After receiving Tax Result

For ITS's Business

ITS offers them a powerful tool to compute their Tax Amount. Not only answering specific questionnaires from ITS, but the End User could also ask for help when completing the survey. After receiving Tax Result

Our Challenges

Clients want to combine all features into one system.

The idea and business model of POMO are very new, lack reliable references to study.

The Client’s assets (Power Bank, Charger,…) have not been produced yet, STS proposes the hardware requirements.

Some features POMO has required are considered as a risk for the End User.


Work closely with the clients to decide the business models and Requirements on their assets.

Conduct deep researches on every feature such a Delivery, P2P Exchange, Online Purchasing,…We learn from popular and well-developed Global & Local businesses such as Grab, Uber,,…

Discuss and convince clients to prioritize the features, then cut or make some features to be developed later.

User Interface

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Let’s Talk

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