The software development engagement model comprises two options: fixed price and ongoing support. Welio is a telemedicine platform that facilitates virtual consultations between doctors and patients through video calls, chat, and messaging. The task at hand encompasses the creation of both the front-end graphical user interface and the back-end logic, which entails seamless integration with diverse mobile platforms and technologies.

The advantages of mobile application development are manifold. Mobile applications present a prime opportunity for enterprises to directly interact with their clientele, furnishing bespoke encounters, convenience, and ease of access. By leveraging these strategies, our client can optimize brand visibility, foster customer loyalty, and drive revenue growth.



welio app project
Challenges We Encounter

The application received a high volume of multimedia content from patients on a daily basis.

The system was compliant with HIPAA regulations.

The mobile design necessitated extensive customization.

The initial objective entailed substituting the legacy video call service, Skype for Business, with the new video call service, Twilio.

The authentication process in the legacy system was needlessly intricate, relying heavily on various Microsoft Azure services.

The team had to integrate Twilio Voice and Video Call to replace Skype for Business.

Implemented streamlined login and registration procedures.

Developed the chat functionality to facilitate communication between the Doctors and the Users.

Developed and integrated asynchronous messaging functionality for communication between doctors and clients.

Followed Microsoft’s guidelines to ensure the solution remains effective.


Utilized Twilio Voice and Video Call to replace Skype for Business.

Implemented streamlined login and registration procedures.

Developed chat functionality for communication between doctors and clients.

Successfully developed and integrated asynchronous messaging functionality for communication between doctors and clients.

Adhered to Microsoft’s guidelines to ensure that the solution is compliant with HIPAA regulations.


Specifically, the STS Software GmbH team utilized the following technologies for the Welio app project:

Swift 2;

.Net backend;

Twilio SMS service;

Native Android;

Microsoft Azure;

E-way payment gateway integration;

SQL Server;

Push Notification;

Twilio for video call;

Firebase for real-time messaging.

Next Case Studies

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Let’s Talk

Together with our developers and analysts, we begin by discussing and analysing our client’s needs, sketching the outline